Behavior, welfare, and health tracking


TrackLab™ offers 24/7 monitoring of animal behavior in indoor or outdoor environments. This allows you to obtain real-time insights into the activity, welfare, and health of your livestock, zoo animals, or companion animals.

  • Keep track of your livestock animals during your behavioral studies

  • Collect quantitative spatial-temporal data of each individual and groups

  • Full control and ownership of your collected tracking data

TrackLab - Animal behavior research
Florida University Logo
Weihenstephan Triesdorf Logo
Institute Marine Research Logo
Diana Petfood Logo
University Jerusalem
Luke Institute Finland Logo
Aberystwyth University Logo
Wur Logo

Trusted by researchers around the world


Research areas - livestock research

Start using TrackLab, easily collect spatial data and behavioral statistics, and learn more about wayfinding and space utilization of your livestock. 

TrackLab is used for livestock research in various segments such as academic, veterinary, livestock breeding, and more. 

It is a tag-based system, which means that animals wear tags (collar-based, ear-tags, backpack, etc.) to collect data on their location and movement.


Customer quote

"The installation of TrackLab was a success and the whole team present for the installation were pleased with the accuracy and the possibilities of the system."

Aberystwyth University|Via Behavioral Research Blog


Indoor and outdoor solutions

The types of tags used in a TrackLab solution depend on the environment. For indoor environments, Ultra-Wideband (UWB) tags are used. For larger outdoor environment the system is typically based on GPS tags.

tracklab indoor icon
tracklab outdoor icon
tracklab biocontainment icon

Animal tracking system

The TrackLab animal tracking system allows you to control recording sessions manually or with a calendar-based scheduling tool. After data collection, you can replay data and use maps, profiles to visualize your results.

tracklab proces illustration

How does TrackLab work?

TrackLab will aid you in the process of your work on understanding the spatial behavior in animals. TrackLab is useful for researchers in academic institutes, research organizations, and R&D of large companies in animal husbandry.


Want to learn more?

Find resources about TrackLab or learn about how TrackLab can benefit your research!


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