Blog posts written by Patrick Zimmerman

How to measure emotions
23 Jun human behavior research Emotion

How to measure emotions

Measuring or assessing emotions is not always straightforward and easy. How do we view the nature of emotions in the first place?
Why so angry? The role of context and function in facial expression analysis
19 Jun human behavior research Emotion

Why so angry? The role of context and function in facial expression analysis

Why do respondents show an angry facial expression when evaluating a website or product, when there is no reason to expect them to actually be angry? Read more in this sequel to the blog post "How emotions are made".
How emotions are made
11 May human behavior research Emotion

How emotions are made

Neuroscience research in the past decades has shown that our brain gives meaning to our experiences and sensations, through concepts such as emotions.
The eyes have it: face masks and non-verbal communication
14 Jul human behavior research Emotion

The eyes have it: face masks and non-verbal communication

When seeing another person wearing a face mask, humans have to rely on visible facial signals, which are the eyes and eyebrows. Looking someone in the eye is an important part of communication.
Retail analysis - Using TrackLab in a supermarket
19 Nov human behavior research Consumer

Retail analysis - Using TrackLab in a supermarket

Noldus Information Technology teamed up with Jan Linders supermarkets, a chain of supermarkets in the southern part of The Netherlands.