Blog posts tagged with farm animals

18 Feb
animal behavior research
Other (Animal)
Examples of Animal Behavior Research
Researchers in ethology are interested in understanding all aspects of animal behavior. We have highlighted some great examples of Animal Behavior Research on our Behavioral Research Blog.

24 Feb
animal behavior research
Other (Animal)
How does heat stress affect the health and welfare of dairy cows?
When environmental temperatures rise, livestock animals, such as dairy cows, are vulnerable to heat stress. Researchers Polsky and von Keyserlingk reviewed how heat stress affects animal productivity, health, and welfare.

23 Apr
animal behavior research
Other (Animal)
ChickenStress project
The abolition of battery farming has improved chicken welfare, but there are still problems like feather pecking. In the ChickenStress project, we will try to understand better how to reduce stress and improve welfare.

08 Jul
animal behavior research
Other (Animal)
Students’ first contact with The Observer XT
Prof. Dr. Stefanski and Dr. Flauger explain why it is important to introduce students to professional software tools at an early stage.

11 Feb
animal behavior research
Other (Animal)
4 Cool cow facts
The investigation of movement, activity, and behavior of animals in stables gives great insight. Read this blog to learn more about that, but also about cow behavior in paddocks.

25 Sep
animal behavior research
Other (Animal)
Standing cows
Does it matter how much time a cow spends standing up or lying down? Bert Tolkamp thought that it did matter, and he proved his point by winning an IgNobel prize for his work on this.