Blog posts tagged with sociability test

24 Aug
animal behavior research
Social Behavior
The social interaction test: effortless and dependable with EthoVision XT
What is the social interaction test? This blog dives into this topic for fish and rodents. Why is social interaction important to measure, and how do we go about doing it?

07 Jan
animal behavior research
Social Behavior
Serotonin and social skills: how adult mice differ from juveniles
Serotonin is a busy neurotransmitter, influencing processes as memory, mood, emotion, appetite, and sexuality. A prime role for this neurotransmitter is social behavior, across a variety of species; humans, rodents, primates.

24 Jul
animal behavior research
Social Behavior
How an internal clock gene can alter innate behaviors in mice
Some might argue that laboratory mice are not the same as wild mice, yet they remain capable of performing the innate, routine behaviors necessary to survive in natural environments, such as courtship and nest-building,

26 Jul
animal behavior research
Other (Animal)
Using several behavioral tests to investigate the role of the NR1 gene in schizo
Studies of the mental disorder schizophrenia in lab animals often include behavioral tests to investigate social behavior, cognitive abilities, and motor functioning.