The perfect audiovisual lab:
A buyer's guide & ultimate how-to
Get the buyer's guide and the ultimate how-to guide
We're giving you two free guides at once. The buyer’s guide will assist in finding the right AV solution for your training or research project. The ultimate how-to guide will show you all the practical tips you will need to be successful. At the end, you’ll know exactly what you need and what kinds of questions you should ask to get the solution you need.
- What important questions do I ask to get started?
- What factors should I consider when choosing an AV lab?
- What data should I collect to create the best study?
- What kinds of labs are currently available?
- How many participants can I record at the same time?
Complete guides
Two step-by-step guides so you choose the right solutions for your research.
Learn from the experts
We have assisted thousands of researchers around the world.
Elevate your research
Learn how to conduct behavioral studies that have an impact.
Common Questions
Where do I start?
he best way is to start simple to learn from your experiences, and expand your lab as your project progresses.
What if I'm not technical?
It is imperative to work with a vendor - like Noldus - who knows exactly what you need to make your AV lab work the way you want.
How much does it cost?
We've built AV labs for every budget; we'll help build the perfect solution for your study, skills training, or educational project.