Animal Behavior Research blog posts
08 Oct
animal behavior research
Zebrafish Research
Testing PCBs toxicity - behavior in zebrafish and their offspring
PCBs are synthetic molecules that were used in transformers, electric motors, and more applications. It was quickly discovered that these molecules are toxic, and subsequently, they were banned.
04 Oct
animal behavior research
Anxiety, Depression and Fear
Unraveling the chemistry of mood disorders
The most common psychiatric disorders are mood and anxiety related. However, the underlying mechanisms of these diseases are still largely unknown. This complicates the development of effective treatment and drugs.
25 Sep
animal behavior research
Other (Animal)
Standing cows
Does it matter how much time a cow spends standing up or lying down? Bert Tolkamp thought that it did matter, and he proved his point by winning an IgNobel prize for his work on this.
23 Sep
animal behavior research
Zebrafish Research
How zebrafish and optogenetics are great for investigating stress
By this point, we do not need to tell you how popular zebrafish are. We also probably do not need to point out the great technological advances that are being made in research because of the use of optogenetics.
19 Sep
animal behavior research
Gait and Locomotion
Using CatWalk gait analysis to study monoarthritis in mice
Researchers are always looking for new ways to alleviate symptoms of arthritis. The CatWalk XT has been shown to be very useful in research involving arthritis in rodent models.
16 Sep
animal behavior research
Zebrafish Research
The effects of quantum dots on zebrafish larvae locomotor behavior
Ever heard of quantum dots? These dots are nanoparticles made of a semiconductor material, which have unique optical properties, making them of great interest for fields such as biological imaging, medical diagnostics.
10 Sep
animal behavior research
Other (Animal)
Tracking a wide variety of animals
Video tracking is used to track a widevariety of animal species in even more different test arenas. From insects of 1 mm on leaf discs, to monkeys in a cage, or zebra fish in an aquarium.
04 Sep
animal behavior research
Other (Animal)
To mate or not to mate? Females are less choosy when males are rare
Having a choice for a mating partner is extremely important for females, so they can be critical in choosing which male to mate with.
20 Aug
animal behavior research
Zebrafish Research
Zebrafish research: behavioral differences between wild-type strains
Often in animal research, animals with a certain genetic alteration are compared to a “wild-type”. One might assume that there is no differences between wild-types, but many different strains of wild-type animals are used.
12 Aug
animal behavior research
Other (Animal)
Caterpillars speed up seed production in plants
Did you know that plants are not as passive as they appear to be at first sight? Although plants cannot run away when they are attacked by plant eating insects, they have several sophisticated ways to defend themselves.