Blog posts tagged with chickens

The value of tracking software: using EthoVision XT to monitor broiler activity
12 Oct animal behavior research Other (Animal)

The value of tracking software: using EthoVision XT to monitor broiler activity

What can EthoVision XT provide over manual observations? We explore that question in the context of a animal welfare study, where fly larvae were provisioned to broilers.
Examples of Animal Behavior Research
18 Feb animal behavior research Other (Animal)

Examples of Animal Behavior Research

Researchers in ethology are interested in understanding all aspects of animal behavior. We have highlighted some great examples of Animal Behavior Research on our Behavioral Research Blog.
ChickenStress project
23 Apr animal behavior research Other (Animal)

ChickenStress project

The abolition of battery farming has improved chicken welfare, but there are still problems like feather pecking. In the ChickenStress project, we will try to understand better how to reduce stress and improve welfare.
Tracking chickens: A promising approach for identifying feather-peckers
21 Nov animal behavior research Other (Animal)

Tracking chickens: A promising approach for identifying feather-peckers

Manually observing chickens in barns is a tedious job to which ultra-wideband tracking offers a solution. But does it interfere with normal behavior?
Fearful chicken: Fear affects stress, behavior patterns, and other individuals
16 Dec animal behavior research Anxiety, Depression and Fear

Fearful chicken: Fear affects stress, behavior patterns, and other individuals

Elske de Haas, Ph.D. studied the effects of fearfulness on the chickens' own behavior and physiology, but also what it did to other individuals.