Blog posts tagged with ethovision xt

How researchers use the Morris water maze to find treatments for Alzheimer's
30 Jun animal behavior research Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s

How researchers use the Morris water maze to find treatments for Alzheimer's

In this first part of a two-part mini series, we highlight how potential Alzheimer’s disease treatments are being investigated using a Morris water maze.
WHY use a Y-maze? Automating learning and memory tests in rodents
17 Jun animal behavior research Learning and Memory

WHY use a Y-maze? Automating learning and memory tests in rodents

Y-maze testing is exactly what you would think: a maze with three arms that maze rodents have to navigate on their way to food, shelter, or another reward. It is often used to test spatial learning, but why?
Radial Arm Maze: The Basics
14 Jun animal behavior research Research Methods

Radial Arm Maze: The Basics

The radial arm maze is an apparatus consisting of a circular center compartment from which 8 equally spaced «arms» extend. Researchers use it to measure two forms of memory known as “reference memory” and “working memory.”
Determining the best housing strategy for mice
12 May animal behavior research Research Methods

Determining the best housing strategy for mice

When using animal models for scientific research, their welfare should be a priority. Here, we're looking at the effects of different housing strategies for mice, and how PhenoTyper provides researchers with insight.
5 EthoVision XT webinars for you to watch
15 Mar animal behavior research Other (Animal)

5 EthoVision XT webinars for you to watch

In this blog you’ll find five webinars on EthoVision XT from five different angles. Each webinar will get you more in depth on how to use EthoVision XT in your own study or research.
Studying zebrafish behavior using video tracking software
07 Feb animal behavior research Zebrafish Research

Studying zebrafish behavior using video tracking software

When it comes to studying zebrafish behavior, video tracking software is the ideal tool. Here we highlight five recent posts about studies on zebrafish behavior where researchers applied video tracking software.
5 blogs on why you should use video tracking in behavioral research
04 Feb animal behavior research Research Methods

5 blogs on why you should use video tracking in behavioral research

In this blogpost you can find an overview of our top 5 favorite blogs on why you should use video tracking in your behavioral research.
Environmental enrichment rescues autistic-like behaviors in mice
11 Jan animal behavior research Autism Spectrum Disorders

Environmental enrichment rescues autistic-like behaviors in mice

A recent mice study from The Scripps Research Institute shows that behavioral therapy might still be successful in later diagnosis of ASD with macrocephaly, laying groundwork for successful late interventions.
Five studies showing the power of multi-modal data in behavioral research
13 Dec human behavior research Multimodal

Five studies showing the power of multi-modal data in behavioral research

The advantages of using multimodal data over a single modality are that it reveals deeper insights and also if one modality fails there can be enough redundancy in the data to still make sense of it.
Advancing the novel object test: 3D printing and deep learning
17 Nov animal behavior research Learning and Memory

Advancing the novel object test: 3D printing and deep learning

To improve standardisation and consistency in the novel object test, Spry et al designed the 'CapTouch' system: capacative objects that can automatically register interaction. But what about deep learning in EthoVision XT?

Showing 41 to 50 of 212 results