Blog posts tagged with precision farming

How does heat stress affect the health and welfare of dairy cows?
24 Feb animal behavior research Other (Animal)

How does heat stress affect the health and welfare of dairy cows?

When environmental temperatures rise, livestock animals, such as dairy cows, are vulnerable to heat stress. Researchers Polsky and von Keyserlingk reviewed how heat stress affects animal productivity, health, and welfare.
Students’ first contact with The Observer XT
08 Jul animal behavior research Other (Animal)

Students’ first contact with The Observer XT

Prof. Dr. Stefanski and Dr. Flauger explain why it is important to introduce students to professional software tools at an early stage.
Standing cows
25 Sep animal behavior research Other (Animal)

Standing cows

Does it matter how much time a cow spends standing up or lying down? Bert Tolkamp thought that it did matter, and he proved his point by winning an IgNobel prize for his work on this.