Sensory science and eating behavior

Wageningen University & Research

Professor C. (Kees) de Graaf, PhD, Chairman Division of Human Nutrition, Professor in Sensory Science and Eating Behaviour at Wageningen University & Research, The Netherlands talks about measuring chewing behavior, bite size, and chewing frequency in order to understand eating behavior. He hopes that in five or ten years, we will be able to measure food intake in an accurate way without interfering with subjects.

Noldus works together with customers around the world to provide them with the best possible tools for their research. It’s challenging, measuring behavior in natural environments, such as the consumers' home. Noldus solutions are ideal for this type of work.

Watch the video to learn more about why he chose Noldus' tools.

Consumption research

Understanding consumption behavior and lifestyle is at the core of consumption research. How does technology influence consumption behavior and lifestyle and how can this technology change behavior?

More info on consumer behavior