Blog posts written by Linda Hoekstra

09 Jul
animal behavior research
Zebrafish Research
How to measure a zebrafish larva’s highly stereotyped response to water motion?
At the Max Planck Institute for Medical Research in Heidelberg, Germany, Groneberg and colleagues researched one of the neural bases for behavior in Danio rerio.

07 May
animal behavior research
Anxiety, Depression and Fear
A new method to evaluate if dogs are suitable for IED bomb detection
Margaret Gruen and her colleagues recently investigated a new method to assess sound induced fear and anxiety in candidate IED-detection dogs – specifically, Labrador retrievers.

17 Apr
animal behavior research
Other (Animal)
Which head and neck positions are stressful for your horse during lunging?
Being a horse owner and a Noldus employee is the perfect combination when it comes to keeping track of the scientific background for my horseback riding hobby.