Blog posts tagged with circadian rhythmicity

01 Feb
animal behavior research
Research Methods
The many uses of the PhenoTyper
With its new top unit, the PhenoTyper is even more versatile than before. Follow in the footsteps of those who have already added the PhenoTyper to their lab and learn all about its varied applications.

03 Sep
animal behavior research
Learning and Memory
Decoding memories during day and night
Unraveling the role of protein synthesis in memory storage across the day and night in a mouse model - how researchers are gaining insights into sleep deprivation and its consequences.

24 Jul
animal behavior research
Social Behavior
How an internal clock gene can alter innate behaviors in mice
Some might argue that laboratory mice are not the same as wild mice, yet they remain capable of performing the innate, routine behaviors necessary to survive in natural environments, such as courtship and nest-building,

08 Feb
animal behavior research
Other (Animal)
Why guinea pigs are just like us
If zebrafish are the new mice, guinea pigs might be the new rats. Guinea pigs differ from mice and rats, and that just might make them more suitable due to the fact that these results are more easily translated to humans.

20 Aug
animal behavior research
Zebrafish Research
Zebrafish research: behavioral differences between wild-type strains
Often in animal research, animals with a certain genetic alteration are compared to a “wild-type”. One might assume that there is no differences between wild-types, but many different strains of wild-type animals are used.

09 Jul
animal behavior research
Research Methods
Circadian rhythmicity and other behavioral studies
Many labs use video tracking software to increase the efficiency of their research. In fact, EthoVision XT video tracking software has just reached an impressive milestone: 2000 sites worldwide.