Blog posts tagged with seizure behavior

30 Mar
animal behavior research
Other (Animal)
The challenges of measuring epilepsy in rodents
EEG on freely moving rats? It's possible in the PhenoTyper. This was necessary to measure if delivering drugs directly to the brain could help epilepsy patients.

13 Mar
animal behavior research
Other (Animal)
Non-invasive home cage testing of epilepsy in mice
Epilepsy is more than seizures; behavioral changes that occur in between seizures are rarely assessed. A new home cage study from the Baylor College of Medicine aims to change this.

07 Jan
animal behavior research
Social Behavior
Serotonin and social skills: how adult mice differ from juveniles
Serotonin is a busy neurotransmitter, influencing processes as memory, mood, emotion, appetite, and sexuality. A prime role for this neurotransmitter is social behavior, across a variety of species; humans, rodents, primates.