May 31, 2024
Noldus software in MARIN's Seven Oceans Simulator center
This week the Seven Oceans Simulator center (SOSc) at MARIN was officially opened by His Majesty King Willem-Alexander. This research facility at the Maritime Research Institute Netherlands in Wageningen is a top-notch simulator center that encompasses 'the sea of the future'. Noldus Information Technology is a proud contributor to the Seven Oceans Simulator center.

About the Seven Oceans Simulator center
MARIN has pioneered the future of maritime technology with its state-of-the-art, spherical, and dynamic simulators. These groundbreaking facilities showcase an emission-free ship powered by hydrogen and wind propulsion, an advanced maintenance vessel equipped with cranes and underwater drones for offshore wind turbines, and an innovative KNRM lifeboat. This unique research facility underscores MARIN's commitment to promoting clean, smart, and safe maritime practices, while ensuring the sustainable use of our oceans.

Integrated NoldusHub technology
Within the SOSc, all simulators can be interconnected to replicate scenarios involving multiple ships navigating challenging sea conditions. Furthermore, the new simulators provide research in virtual reality applications and the monitoring of unmanned vessels.
The new simulator center enables MARIN to investigate Human Factors: analyzing crew performance under difficult circumstances. This is made possible with the technology of NoldusHub, our integrated multimodal software solution for human behavior studies. By embedding NoldusHub into all the simulator systems at the SOSc, MARIN can conduct evidence-based behavioral research in various virtual training settings, and help optimize communication, interaction and performance.

NoldusHub was designed to combine multiple types of measurements and easily achieve trustworthy, high-quality data and direct insights. The software collects data from a webcam, eye-tracker, and several physiological data acquisition devices.
With these, you can measure a variety of signals and behavioral input, including physiological measures and responses like skin conductance, heart rate, pulse, and pupil dilation, facial expressions, eye gaze, fixation, and cognitive workload. This enables MARIN to conduct multimodal research into human decision making and fullfill its mission 'Better Ships, Blue Oceans'.

NoldusHub is under continuous development, based on market and user feedback. Are you curious to find out how NoldusHub works? Visit for more information. Or contact us and we will be happy to answer your questions and give a live demonstration of NoldusHub, so you can see it in action.