November 6, 2023

Lucas Noldus appointed as Fellow of the Netherlands Academy of Engineering

Technology is the engine for sustainable development. With the appointment of 62 Fellows, the Netherlands Academy of Engineering emphasizes the importance of engineering-based sustainable solutions for, among other things, agriculture, healthcare and the digital society. NAE Fellows are committed to creating an innovation climate where collaboration is central.

NAE connect to innovate

We are proud that our CEO, Lucas Noldus, has been elected to join this group of experts in the fields of technological sciences, applied research and product development.

The NAE was launched in May 2023 as a publicly funded, multidisciplinary forum that unites experts and innovators from the business and scientific sectors in the areas of technological sciences, applied research and product development. The NAE acts as a hub and advisory body for the Dutch knowledge and innovation system, aiming to amplify the voice of the engineering community to influential decisionmakers.

Want to know more? Follow the link to the press release of the NAE.

NAE press release