The aim of this Action is to bring together European organizations developing and using automated home-cage monitoring technologies. Novel and emerging technologies allow 24/7 collection of behavioural data in their home cage.

However, addressing the complex problem of monitoring the full 24-hour behavioural repertoire of a rodent still presents many challenges, with each technology having its strengths and limitations. This Action combines experts in mouse behaviour, laboratory animal science and data science, to critically and transparently assess the potential of these technologies

The role of Noldus
Two Noldus employees are members of the project, and one of them is the national representative for the Netherlands.
The project is led by the University of Helsinki and has 115 members in the network.
TEATIME is a COST action, which funds research and innovation networking projects for European Cooperation in Science and Technology. It is funded by the European Union.

More information
To find out more, you can contact us or visit the project website. You can follow it on twitter @COST-TEATIME.