Basic behavioral neuroscience in zebrafish

A practical guide

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Why zebrafish (danio rerio)?

The e-book will delve into the significant transformation zebrafish undergo through their developmental stages: from the embryonic stage to larvae, and finally adult zebrafish. These stages directly impact their behavior and the methods used to measure it.

  • When to measure behavior in zebrafish?
  • How to measure behavior in zebrafish?
  • What are the best practices in housing & husbandry?

Common Questions

Why zebrafish?

Their appeal lies in their rapid development, transparency, and, notably, their genetic similarity to humans.

What if I'm new to zebrafish research?

Use this e-book to gain information on specific behavioral research topics, and how these are studied in the current scientific field.

Can you recommend a video tracking solution?

One of our most powerful tools, as mentioned on multiple occasions, is our EthoVision XT tracking software


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