Basic behavioral neuroscience in zebrafish
A practical guide
Why zebrafish (danio rerio)?
The e-book will delve into the significant transformation zebrafish undergo through their developmental stages: from the embryonic stage to larvae, and finally adult zebrafish. These stages directly impact their behavior and the methods used to measure it.
- When to measure behavior in zebrafish?
- How to measure behavior in zebrafish?
- What are the best practices in housing & husbandry?
A complete guide
We explain the A to Z's of why and how to measure certain behavior in zebrafish.
Learn from the experts
We have assisted thousands of researchers around the world.
Elevate your research
Learn how to conduct behavioral studies that have an impact.
Common Questions
Why zebrafish?
Their appeal lies in their rapid development, transparency, and, notably, their genetic similarity to humans.
What if I'm new to zebrafish research?
Use this e-book to gain information on specific behavioral research topics, and how these are studied in the current scientific field.
Can you recommend a video tracking solution?
One of our most powerful tools, as mentioned on multiple occasions, is our EthoVision XT tracking software