Basic behavioral neuroscience in rodents - A pratical guide
Why is it essential to understand animal behavior?
Dysfunctions in behavior are used to infer structural and functional changes in the brain, and the recovery of performance on these tests is used to evaluate the effectiveness of potential therapeutics.
- How should I house my animals?
- How should I handle my animals?
- What are the common tests used?
A complete guide
We explain the A to Z's of why and how to measure certain behavior in rodents.
Learn from the experts
We have assisted thousands of researchers around the world.
Elevate your research
Learn how to conduct behavioral studies that have an impact.
Common Questions
Can you provide protocols?
We include protocol suggestions for many behavioral tests, which can help you in finding the right solution for you.
What if I'm new to behavioral neuroscience?
Use this e-book to gain information on specific behavioral research topics, and how these are studied in the current scientific field.
Can you recommend a video tracking solution?
One of our most powerful tools, as mentioned on multiple occasions, is our EthoVision XT tracking software
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Preview the chapter of 'anxiety and fear' in the rodent basic behavioral neuroscience e-book.
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