
Everything you need to know about EthoVision XT

Over the last 25 years EthoVision XT has evolved from a video tracking software into an advanced, but user friendly, software platform. In this blogpost we tell you everything you need to know about EthoVision XT!

Automatic gait analysis: Cracking the code

CatWalk XT provides the opportunity to study a variety of gait parameters. But, which parameters should you use for your mouse model? Read this blog to learn more!

The impact of handling technique on rodent welfare and scientific accuracy

Proper handling technique is essential in not only ensuring welfare, but also for reliable results. Check out this blog to learn more about how to handle rodents in an experimental setting!

Breathe easy, a novel approach to monitoring respiratory activity in zebrafish

Researchers from the University of Heidelberg used DanioScope in a novel way to objectively measure breathing in zebrafish embryos and larvae.

Understanding mouse social interaction using objective measures

Measuring social interaction is an important, but due to technical limitations, often overlooked part of behavioral research. Live mouse tracker was designed to alleviate this problem.

A plant-based treatment for Alzheimer's disease?

Researchers are constantly looking for new ways to treat Alzheimer's disease. Can Dioscin, a plant-based steroid, decrease the symptoms in mice?

Air pollution and brain development, mouse behavior gives insight

Air pollution can have major detrimental effects on health. But, what happens to brain development if a mouse is only exposed in early life. Researchers from the University of Washington studied just that.

Classical music affects affiliative behaviors in bottlenose dolphins

Researchers from the University of Padova used The Observer XT to measure the behavior of dolphins when exposed to different types of enrichment.