Other (Animal) blog posts

Observing animal behavior is done in a wide variety of research areas, from fundamental neurosciences to wildlife behavior studies or farm animal welfare studies. Explore a range of diverse topics in animal behavior research. From social interactions to genetic influences, gain a comprehensive understanding of animal behavior in various contexts and in various species.

Identification of an aphid resistance gene in Arabidopsis
20 Sep animal behavior research Other (Animal)

Identification of an aphid resistance gene in Arabidopsis

Karen Kloth used EntoLab in her research on the genetic basis of plant resistance to aphids. Genome-wide association mapping of aphid behavior on 350 natural Arabidopsis accessions led to the discovery of a new gene.
Identification of thrips resistance in Arabidopsis
20 Sep animal behavior research Other (Animal)

Identification of thrips resistance in Arabidopsis

Maarten Jongsma explains how he used EntoLab to facilitate insect choice assays and automate the acquisition and analysis of movement tracks. Two Arabidopsis accessions were tested for resistance to western flower thrips.
Screening insecticides for efficacy or tolerance
20 Sep animal behavior research Other (Animal)

Screening insecticides for efficacy or tolerance

Maarten Jongsma and colleagues use EntoLab to detect changes in insect behavior that provide a sensitive method for identifying and quantifying resistance development. They tested this approach with pyrethrins against aphids.
The Internet of Things, LoRa, 5G, and measuring behavior
02 Jul animal behavior research Other (Animal)

The Internet of Things, LoRa, 5G, and measuring behavior

New techniques for connecting sensors will provide opportunities for researchers measuring behavior.
CFI Exceptional Opportunities Fund – COVID-19
29 Jun animal behavior research Other (Animal)

CFI Exceptional Opportunities Fund – COVID-19

The Canada Foundation for Innovation (CFI) has issued an Exceptional Opportunities Fund (EOF) in the fight against the coronavirus SARS-CoV-2, known as COVID-19.
Homology and analogy in behavioral neuroscience
01 Jun animal behavior research Other (Animal)

Homology and analogy in behavioral neuroscience

The point of this blog is to encourage you, as researchers, to ‘double think’, which is to say think like a scientist and think like an animal.
Noldus Grant Assistance Program launched in North America
25 May animal behavior research Other (Animal)

Noldus Grant Assistance Program launched in North America

Grant funding is the lifeblood of academic research. Is successful funding the best path to securing future funding?
Neuroscience conferences in 2020 [UPDATED]
23 Apr animal behavior research Other (Animal)

Neuroscience conferences in 2020 [UPDATED]

Looking for the best neuroscience conferences to add to your 2020 calendar? We’ve put together an comprehensive list of the best (behavioral) neuroscience conferences to attend in 2020.
How bank voles take the future into account
25 Mar animal behavior research Other (Animal)

How bank voles take the future into account

Bank voles are often exposed to predator odor and alarm pheromones. This perceived predation risk may cause cross-generational behavior changes, which seem to be context-dependent on their in utero exposure.
Livestock Research: Tracking sheep to learn their behavior
16 Mar animal behavior research Other (Animal)

Livestock Research: Tracking sheep to learn their behavior

We recently installed TrackLab at Aberystwyth University in Wales, UK, for the tracking and detailed analysis of the spatial behavior of sheep.

Showing 31 to 40 of 122 results