Human Behavior Research Blog Posts
01 Oct
human behavior research
Discussing uncertainty during cancer genetic counseling
Getting screened preventively to find out whether a genetic predisposition increases the chance of developing cancer, causes great uncertainty. Which communication manners help to deal with this?
10 Sep
human behavior research
Other (Human)
How to conduct research with human participants during COVID-19
Are you going to pick up research with human participants again? Here are some useful tips to ensure safety and hygiene in a corona-proof lab.
28 Jul
human behavior research
Human Factors
Alexa, Siri, Google – Are voice assistants the future of marketing?
Voice assistants – they are found in almost every aspect of our daily lives. Elaine Mathe studied how users interact with voice assistants and what emotions they show in response to played ads.
23 Jul
human behavior research
Simulation-based training in times of crisis
Simulation can be a useful tool in the development of new standard operating procedures and policies needed to respond to crises like COVID-19.
14 Jul
human behavior research
The eyes have it: face masks and non-verbal communication
When seeing another person wearing a face mask, humans have to rely on visible facial signals, which are the eyes and eyebrows. Looking someone in the eye is an important part of communication.
25 Jun
human behavior research
User Experience
UX / Neuroscience lab in the spotlight
After a successful launch in June 2019, the LabUX team has been designated the innovation of the year for the digital transformation at Desjardins.
18 Jun
human behavior research
Researching comorbidity in patients with autism spectrum disorder
Patients with autistic spectrum disorder also tend to have other disorders like epilepsy. Why is that and how can understanding that help us understand autism?
18 May
human behavior research
Organized chaos or well-oiled machine? Optimizing safety & efficiency in an OR
Dr. Joseph and her team searched for solutions to minimize flow disruptions in Operating Rooms and make them as safe and efficient as possible.
11 May
human behavior research
What is the best way to communicate an important message such as 'Stay at home'? The research team of Mauri compared the emotional reactions to three short videos containing this message using FaceReader.
08 May
human behavior research
Improve the interaction between parent and child with autism
Children with ASD are three times as likely to exhibit disruptive behavior as their typically developing peers. Can PCIT help coping with behaviors such as defiance, stubbornness, and temper tantrums?