
A closer look at eye contact

Infant siblings of children with or without ASD participated in a study to determine whether gaze behavior showed during a test with an unfamiliar examiner could predict gaze behavior in a more naturalistic context.

Shopping behavior - what can we measure in a retail environment?

Shopping ambience conditions such as light, sound, and smell are thought to affect shoppers’ browsing behavior and can increase sales due to impulse buying.

PCIT: Parent-Child Interaction Therapy

What is Parent-Child Interaction Therapy? It helps improve family dynamics by working to reduce negative behavior and interactions, and to practice new behaviors and ways of communicating that are more encouraging.

How botulinum toxin affects facial expression

For the past twenty years, the demand for cosmetic procedures to the face has increased drastically. New technologies have become available that make it possible to look ‘better and younger’.

What is Biometric Research?

Biometric research is the study of subconscious processes related to attention, cognition, emotion, and physiological arousal.

Analysis of facial expressions of emotions in children

The study described in this guest blog post focuses on the facial expressions of emotions induced by affective stimuli in children aged between 7 and 14.

Three UX Lab examples with the latest UX research tools

A UX Lab is used for usability testing and user experience research. Users are observed in a specific environment while interacting with a product or system. Most UX research is conducted in state-of-the-art UX labs.

7 Tips how to set up a coding scheme

The coding scheme or ethogram determines what data you collect and is, thus, an essential part of your behavioral study. Tips to set up a coding scheme (+free white paper with all 7 tips to set-up your coding scheme).

Evaluating the effectiveness of simulation in healthcare

Teamwork is important in many occupations but it is crucial when working under pressure. Most of us can only imagine how stressful it could be when working as a fire fighter or operating room nurse.

Can facial expressions and emotional reactions predict likeliness to buy?

Think about some of your favorite holiday foods – what are they? Maybe gingerbread, candy canes, or pies?