Blog posts tagged with autism

Making sense of the senses: The real cost of paying attention
11 Nov human behavior research Consumer

Making sense of the senses: The real cost of paying attention

We live in a demanding world: the snort of an email, the squeal of a text, fare alerts, breaking news, SQUIRREL! What was I saying? Oh yes, we live in a distracted world.
Are there objective tests for predicting autism severity?
10 Apr animal behavior research Autism Spectrum Disorders

Are there objective tests for predicting autism severity?

Some disorders cannot simply be diagnosed with a blood test or tissue-culture. Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a good example; its diagnosis relies upon behavioral tests and questionnaires.
Autism Top 8 Blog Articles from the Behavioral Research Blog
14 Jan human behavior research Other (Human)

Autism Top 8 Blog Articles from the Behavioral Research Blog

It was no surprise that these blog articles attracted lots of attention. Autism is the fastest-growing serious developmental disability in the U.S. ( Read the Autism Top 8 Blog Articles.
Top 5 novel object recognition articles
26 Nov animal behavior research Other (Animal)

Top 5 novel object recognition articles

Novel object recognition is one of the most commonly used behavioral tests on laboratory rodents. It is also easily automated with video tracking software. Want to know how?
Vocalizations as an early life behavioral marker for ASD
30 Aug human behavior research Psychology

Vocalizations as an early life behavioral marker for ASD

One of the prominent features of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is impaired communication. However, most diagnoses of ASD happen after the child is more than 3 years old.
Autism research - mothers of high-risk children use more gestures
06 Aug human behavior research Psychology

Autism research - mothers of high-risk children use more gestures

Children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) often have delayed development in communication and language. This impaired development can be present even in the first year of their lives.
Video tracking of children with autism
29 May human behavior research Psychology

Video tracking of children with autism

Automated video tracking is a valuable tool for studies on animal models of autism (ASD). Diagnosis of ASD is based on behavior alone in humans, so naturally, behavior is an important part of human as well as rodent studies.
Robot-child interactions – helping children with autism learn skills
23 May human behavior research Education

Robot-child interactions – helping children with autism learn skills

Human-Computer Interaction research may go a lot further than just evaluating an office worker interacting with a stationary computer or laptop.
Three examples of autism research studies
29 Nov human behavior research Psychology

Three examples of autism research studies

Knowledge is the key to developing a better understanding of autism. Researchers often observe and code behavior in combination with other research methods.
The search for autism models continues - why rats are important
04 Oct animal behavior research Autism Spectrum Disorders

The search for autism models continues - why rats are important

Autism (ASD) continues to be an important topic in scientific research. Although finding the actual cause of ASD is still years away, there have been several studies that point to a strong genetic component.

Showing 31 to 40 of 41 results