Blog posts tagged with child development

Understanding cognitive delays in infants with Down syndrome
28 Aug human behavior research Psychology

Understanding cognitive delays in infants with Down syndrome

Did you know that Down syndrome is one of the most common chromosomal diseases in people? Researcher Fidler and her colleagues aim to understand more about early cognitive development in people with Down syndrome.
How maternal responses support child language development in adversity
10 Jul human behavior research Psychology

How maternal responses support child language development in adversity

Studies show that mothers’ responses to their children is crucial for their language development. How does this work for families facing adversity? Researchers Boulton, Levickis, and Eadle aimed to find out.
How to deal with noncompliant toddlers
02 Feb human behavior research Psychology

How to deal with noncompliant toddlers

We’ve all been there: getting a toddler to do what you want is a real challenge. What should you do in this situation? Researcher Larzelere and his team studied how behavioral modeling and collaborating can help.
The New Jersey Families Study: unlocking the black box
07 Nov human behavior research Psychology

The New Jersey Families Study: unlocking the black box

Families are children's first teachers and home is their first school. Often we wonder or guess how such teaching is going. The NJFS, performed by the University of Princeton, offers insights.
The importance of measuring infant behavior for early diagnosis of autism
04 Oct human behavior research Psychology

The importance of measuring infant behavior for early diagnosis of autism

Most efforts to detect autism before the age of two rely on parental reports rather than infant behavior.
The importance of a multi-method approach in infant behavior research
22 Sep human behavior research Psychology

The importance of a multi-method approach in infant behavior research

The study of infant behavior provides incredible insight into the field of psychology, developmental biology, neuroscience, and other social and life sciences.
Using observational research to capture parent-child interaction
13 Sep human behavior research Psychology

Using observational research to capture parent-child interaction

Researchers examined whether a combination of child and parental factors, such as the child's emotional temperament and parents' controlling feeding practices, influence food fussiness.
How music affects children’s development
30 Aug human behavior research Emotion

How music affects children’s development

Researchers dove deeper into building an understanding of the relationship between music and emotions and how music affects children’s development.
How do parenting practices relate to children’s nutrition risk?
22 Aug human behavior research Psychology

How do parenting practices relate to children’s nutrition risk?

Nutrition plays a vital role in children’s growth, development, and health. Researcher Walton and her team observed family mealtimes to gain a better understanding of children’s nutrition risk.
How does communication with strangers develop?
09 Jun human behavior research Psychology

How does communication with strangers develop?

Various factors contribute to shaping social-emotional developmental trajectories, such as familiarity of the interaction partner, the child’s age, but also individual predispositions, such as temperament.

Showing 11 to 20 of 51 results