Blog posts tagged with classroom observation

How to observe adolescents and teachers in a classroom
25 Aug human behavior research Education

How to observe adolescents and teachers in a classroom

Many researchers focus on classroom interaction to learn more about group dynamics, teaching behavior, and student engagement. One of the research methods used is behavioral observation.
7 Tips how to set up a coding scheme
31 Jan human behavior research Education

7 Tips how to set up a coding scheme

The coding scheme or ethogram determines what data you collect and is, thus, an essential part of your behavioral study. Tips to set up a coding scheme (+free white paper with all 7 tips to set-up your coding scheme).
The impact of sounds on autistic children’s behaviors
15 Jun human behavior research Psychology

The impact of sounds on autistic children’s behaviors

Children with autism can have trouble dealing with external distractions. Researcher Shireen Kanakri conducted a study to observe the impact of the acoustic environment on restrictive and repetitive behaviors.
Classroom observations - behavior of children with and without ADHD
13 Aug human behavior research Psychology

Classroom observations - behavior of children with and without ADHD

The relationship between reaction time variability and observed attention in children with and without ADHD.
Classroom observations including facial expression analysis
01 May human behavior research Education

Classroom observations including facial expression analysis

Internet and technology usage, including computers, tablets, and mobile phones, has increased exponentially in the past few years.
Three examples of autism research studies
29 Nov human behavior research Psychology

Three examples of autism research studies

Knowledge is the key to developing a better understanding of autism. Researchers often observe and code behavior in combination with other research methods.