Blog posts tagged with coding schemes

The impact of health information technology on doctor-patient interaction
12 Dec human behavior research Healthcare

The impact of health information technology on doctor-patient interaction

Embracing the technological advances of the last decade, many health care professionals have incorporated information technology into their daily routines.
Ladybugs and lacewings do not spy on their prey’s alarm pheromone
08 Dec animal behavior research Other (Animal)

Ladybugs and lacewings do not spy on their prey’s alarm pheromone

Leaf sucking creatures like plant aphids are common and can cause considerable damage to plants. Therefore, quite a lot of effort is made to control these tiny creatures.
Picky cats and tasty food – sniffing is an indicator for tastiness
20 Nov animal behavior research Other (Animal)

Picky cats and tasty food – sniffing is an indicator for tastiness

Cats can be extremely picky when it comes to food. If the cat doesn’t like it, it will refuse to eat. Reason enough for the pet food industry to try to find out what cats really like.
The impact of visitor access in a shelter on the welfare of shelter dogs
31 Jul animal behavior research Other (Animal)

The impact of visitor access in a shelter on the welfare of shelter dogs

If you’ve ever been to a shelter to adopt a dog, you know that when you walk into the holding area, the dogs can get very noisy.
Healthcare communication - dealing with emotions
25 Mar human behavior research Emotion

Healthcare communication - dealing with emotions

Communication studies have shown that breaking bad news is best be done immediately and with clear wording. What is the best step forward?
Doctor-patient communication training program evaluated
22 Jan human behavior research Healthcare

Doctor-patient communication training program evaluated

Every day, new training programs find their way to hospitals and clinics to help professionals convey their message efficiently and effectively in order to practice their profession.
Classroom observations - behavior of children with and without ADHD
13 Aug human behavior research Psychology

Classroom observations - behavior of children with and without ADHD

The relationship between reaction time variability and observed attention in children with and without ADHD.
Autism research - mothers of high-risk children use more gestures
06 Aug human behavior research Psychology

Autism research - mothers of high-risk children use more gestures

Children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) often have delayed development in communication and language. This impaired development can be present even in the first year of their lives.
Robot-child interactions – helping children with autism learn skills
23 May human behavior research Education

Robot-child interactions – helping children with autism learn skills

Human-Computer Interaction research may go a lot further than just evaluating an office worker interacting with a stationary computer or laptop.
Observing monkey behavior – cracking the nut
16 Apr animal behavior research Other (Animal)

Observing monkey behavior – cracking the nut

We already know some monkeys display above average intelligence. One way by which we can tell is their use of tools. Studies have shown that capuchin monkeys use boulders and logs as anvils upon which they can crush nuts.

Showing 21 to 30 of 40 results