Blog posts tagged with developmental psychology

5 examples of infant studies
23 Oct human behavior research Psychology

5 examples of infant studies

Researchers perform infant studies to properly monitor and understand all kinds of development factors. In this blog post, five examples of infant studies are highlighted.
Understanding infants’ development of moral and social behavior
15 Oct human behavior research Psychology

Understanding infants’ development of moral and social behavior

At the Centre of Infant Cognition at UBC in Vancouver, researchers conduct independent studies as well as participate in ManyBabies projects to further understand the development of moral and social behaviors of infants.
Exploring the early development of referential gestural communication
16 Sep human behavior research Psychology

Exploring the early development of referential gestural communication

Understanding the importance of pointing gestures can provide valuable insights into children's developmental progress and support their overall growth and learning.
How to study developmental psychology: methods, designs & tools
09 Jul human behavior research Psychology

How to study developmental psychology: methods, designs & tools

What should you consider when setting up a study in the field of development psychology? Read on to learn more about methods, designs & tools.
Language development and joint engagement in children with Down syndrome
03 Apr human behavior research Psychology

Language development and joint engagement in children with Down syndrome

In children with Down syndrome, delays in speech and language skills are common, while early social skills are relatively strong. How are these developmental milestones related?
Psychology conferences in 2024 and 2025
31 Mar human behavior research Psychology

Psychology conferences in 2024 and 2025

Conferences are an excellent way to combine work, learning, and social interaction. To help you plan your year, we've curated a comprehensive list of international psychology conferences for 2024 and 2025.
How to easily apply multimodal measurement during research with children
26 Feb human behavior research Multimodal

How to easily apply multimodal measurement during research with children

A child development researcher can encounter quite a few challenges when wanting to measure multiple data streams. How do you make that run as smoothly as possible plus integrate all data seamlessly?
Research examples of developmental psychology
19 Jan human behavior research Psychology

Research examples of developmental psychology

When you are studying developmental psychology, you’re studying how people grow and develop, all the way from childbirth to the end of their lifespan. What are examples of developmental psychology?
Facial mimicry and social cognition in children with autism spectrum disorder
14 Nov human behavior research Psychology

Facial mimicry and social cognition in children with autism spectrum disorder

When we want to understand each other better, we tend to copy one another's facial expressions. How does this work in children with autism spectrum disorder? In this blog post, you’ll learn more about facial mimicry in ASD.
Let's work together: mother-adolescent interactions in fragile X syndrome
19 Sep human behavior research Psychology

Let's work together: mother-adolescent interactions in fragile X syndrome

All parents want their children to comply with their requests - for at least some of the time! What's the best way to request something when you have an adolescent boy with fragile X syndrome?

Showing 1 to 10 of 31 results