Blog posts tagged with repetitive behavior

Observing and analyzing repetitive movements in infants to detect autism
18 Mar human behavior research Psychology

Observing and analyzing repetitive movements in infants to detect autism

To examine if a specific repertoire of repetitive movements was present in children with autism, researchers used home videos to code the behaviors of the infants.
The impact of sounds on autistic children’s behaviors
15 Jun human behavior research Psychology

The impact of sounds on autistic children’s behaviors

Children with autism can have trouble dealing with external distractions. Researcher Shireen Kanakri conducted a study to observe the impact of the acoustic environment on restrictive and repetitive behaviors.
Three examples of autism research studies
29 Nov human behavior research Psychology

Three examples of autism research studies

Knowledge is the key to developing a better understanding of autism. Researchers often observe and code behavior in combination with other research methods.
How to find an animal model for obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)
12 Apr animal behavior research Social Behavior

How to find an animal model for obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)

We all show some form of compulsive behavior. I triple check to make sure I locked my car, knowing that it’s locked but still feeling the need. But what if compulsions, rituals, and repetition rule your everyday live?