Blog posts tagged with stress

ChickenStress project
23 Apr animal behavior research Other (Animal)

ChickenStress project

The abolition of battery farming has improved chicken welfare, but there are still problems like feather pecking. In the ChickenStress project, we will try to understand better how to reduce stress and improve welfare.
Freeze! A recent study on PTSD and the immune system
12 Apr animal behavior research Anxiety, Depression and Fear

Freeze! A recent study on PTSD and the immune system

It is pretty well-known that stress and anxiety have an effect on the immune system. This can be a real problem, especially in psychiatric disorders.
Interacting with autonomous cars
27 Oct human behavior research Human Factors

Interacting with autonomous cars

When I get in the train next week at the Düsseldorf airport, I know that there is something different about it in comparison to a normal train.
Helping children cope with social anxiety
09 Feb human behavior research Psychology

Helping children cope with social anxiety

Researchers Colonnesi et al. investigated whether social anxiety in 4 year-olds is related to the level of Theory of Mind, and expressing shyness.
How optogenetics is used to study the stress response in zebrafish larvae
23 Jan animal behavior research Zebrafish Research

How optogenetics is used to study the stress response in zebrafish larvae

Stress might seem like a bad word, but it does have its perks. A recent study by Rodrigo J. De Marco uncovered the role of the pituitary in zebrafish larvae behavior after the onset of stress.
Which head and neck positions are stressful for your horse during lunging?
17 Apr animal behavior research Other (Animal)

Which head and neck positions are stressful for your horse during lunging?

Being a horse owner and a Noldus employee is the perfect combination when it comes to keeping track of the scientific background for my horseback riding hobby.
How young zebrafish cope with stress
15 Jan animal behavior research Zebrafish Research

How young zebrafish cope with stress

Stress is a natural thing, and how we cope with it differs from person to person. In research, we use the term coping style, something that emerges early on in life for zebrafish.
How wild cavies and domesticated guinea pigs differ
05 Aug animal behavior research Social Behavior

How wild cavies and domesticated guinea pigs differ

Domestication has a considerable effect on the behavior of animals. The dramatic change in their environment and provision of food alter the need for behaviors such as exploration. But what exactly is the difference?
The impact of visitor access in a shelter on the welfare of shelter dogs
31 Jul animal behavior research Other (Animal)

The impact of visitor access in a shelter on the welfare of shelter dogs

If you’ve ever been to a shelter to adopt a dog, you know that when you walk into the holding area, the dogs can get very noisy.
Physiological and behavioral analysis: coping with stress
08 Apr human behavior research Psychology

Physiological and behavioral analysis: coping with stress

Having a behavioral coping strategy means that a person can regulate emotions and deal with stressful situations.

Showing 11 to 20 of 21 results