
Students’ first contact with The Observer XT

Prof. Dr. Stefanski and Dr. Flauger explain why it is important to introduce students to professional software tools at an early stage.

In-home video recordings provide measure for more objective comparisons

Edelson and her colleagues from the Nestlé Research Center in Sweden studied parent-child interactions during meal time using in-home studies.

Understanding adolescent emotions

How are adolescents’ emotions socialized by mothers and close friends? A recent study focuses on dealing with depression in adolescence.

Become and stay aware about children with autism

Autism is a developmental disability that remains with a person for his or her whole life. The World Autism Awareness Day tries to bring awareness to this growing health concern.

Let children design their own playground

The impact of playing outside on the social, motor and emotional development of children and their learning ability is immense. What makes the best playground, according to children?

Shopping behavior analysis- improving the shopping experience at airports

The retail industry is currently booming in some regions, and with travel such an important part of modern life, so is the retail industry at airports. Learn more about consumer buying behavior by reading this blog post.

What, Why and How to learn in a museum

Although children can learn a great deal on their own, conversations with parents have a big influence on the content, recall and transfer of what they learn.

Mealtime difficulties can lead to bad nutrition in nursing homes

People with dementia often experience life from moment-to-moment, which leads researchers to argue that they benefit from a person-centered approach.

Positive Behavior Support: Good behavior can be learned

With the observed increase in pediatric obesity in recent years, a child’s family, particularly his parents, may influence eating behavior, diet, and physical activity through their parenting and food choices.

Revealing the secret social role of the CA2 hippocampus

Aggressive behavior is adaptive for most species. But how is this aggressive behavior mediated in the brain? A recent study indicates that the hippocampus is a crucial neural component in mediating social recognition.