Blog posts tagged with the observer xt

Classroom observations including facial expression analysis
01 May human behavior research Education

Classroom observations including facial expression analysis

Internet and technology usage, including computers, tablets, and mobile phones, has increased exponentially in the past few years.
Observing monkey behavior – cracking the nut
16 Apr animal behavior research Other (Animal)

Observing monkey behavior – cracking the nut

We already know some monkeys display above average intelligence. One way by which we can tell is their use of tools. Studies have shown that capuchin monkeys use boulders and logs as anvils upon which they can crush nuts.
Human-robot interaction: Can you trust a robot?
18 Mar human behavior research Human Factors

Human-robot interaction: Can you trust a robot?

How do you know if someone with whom you do business is telling the truth? When buying something from a stranger, we are trying to determine if he or she can be trusted, either consciously or unconsciously.
Beautiful birds and UV – What we cannot see
12 Mar animal behavior research Other (Animal)

Beautiful birds and UV – What we cannot see

Don’t we all enjoy the variety and intensity of bird colors? Male birds have perhaps the most impressive color display in nature.
Observations of surgeons as a tool to assess competency
15 Jan human behavior research Healthcare

Observations of surgeons as a tool to assess competency

Medical doctors receive extensive education and training before and during their time spent working at a hospital or clinic.
What behaviors to focus on – Airport passenger experiences
06 Dec human behavior research Consumer

What behaviors to focus on – Airport passenger experiences

To learn more about airport design and to investigate how to make time at an airport more enjoyable, Livingstone et al. undertook a study into passenger experience.
Three examples of autism research studies
29 Nov human behavior research Psychology

Three examples of autism research studies

Knowledge is the key to developing a better understanding of autism. Researchers often observe and code behavior in combination with other research methods.
Why observe driver behavior and distraction
20 Sep human behavior research Human Factors

Why observe driver behavior and distraction

Listening to your favorite music in your car can have a very uplifting effect and can help create a pleasant atmosphere. Also, having a conversation while driving can be a very efficient way of spending your time.
Drunken mice get aggressive on Alzheimer’s drugs
16 Aug animal behavior research Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s

Drunken mice get aggressive on Alzheimer’s drugs

Will there ever be a cure for alcoholism? Well, some laboratory studies show that certain drugs might stop the cravings. But they might also cause serious side-effects such as aggressive behavior.
A story of dogs and dolls
09 Aug animal behavior research Social Behavior

A story of dogs and dolls

When finding the right dog for yourself, you probably won’t choose an aggressive one, will you? You don’t want it to attack your friends, kids, or other dogs. You could try using a temperament test, but how reliable are they?

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