Coding scheme setup in The Observer XT

How to set up a coding scheme

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Why optimizing your coding scheme matters

The coding scheme determines what data you collect and is an essential part of your behavioral study. The coding scheme is the actual measuring instrument. But setting up a coding scheme is not as straightforward as it may see. Download this white paper to learn:

  • How to organize your data into groups
  • The effect of time on your coding scheme
  • Examples of others' coding schemes

Common questions

Can I use any coding scheme?

Yes! The Observer® XT is flexible enough to handle any coding scheme.

What if I don't know what to annotate?

No problem! We will work with you to create exactly what you need.

How is The Observer XT unique?

The Observer XT is the gold standard software suite for coding, integration, and analysis of behavioral data.

Coding scheme setup in The Observer XT

How to set up a coding scheme

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