A dedicated counseling psychology lab
Delaware Valley University
At Delaware Valley University the counseling psychology team created a state-of-the-art training facility for their Master of Arts in Counseling Psychology program. In this program, students specialize in either child and adolescent counseling, or social justice community counseling. Throughout their training, graduate students are continually engaged in counseling, outreach, and advocacy.
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Multi-room, fully-equipped training space
This new educational facility took an outdated laboratory facility and turned it into a multi-room, fully-equipped training space for students as they train to become professional counselors. The faculty at Delaware Valley University has proven their dedication to using Viso software to train new counselors.
Skill-based courses are highly interactive and held in the lab, where students role-play, practice, and learn through hands-on experience. Practice sessions can be observed, recorded and reviewed to provide authentic feedback and growth opportunities. The lab is a cornerstone of the program.
The lab consists of a large conference room, six small counseling rooms, and a control room. Noldus consultants provided technical expertise and worked closely with the team at Delaware Valley University to make this project a success.
More info on VisoMulti-room, fully-equipped training space
Located in the control room, Viso is at the heart of the training facility. It allows the faculty and trainers to record all sessions, particularly the mock counseling sessions, carried out in the facility. The faculty is able to easily record from any room in the training facility, at any time, even while sessions are occurring in other rooms at the same time.
All recordings are carried out from a single control room, which enables faculty and trainers to quickly and easily schedule and carry out recordings. Equipping the facility with viewer licenses allows faculty and students to quickly debrief at the end of an interview to discuss the session; immediate feedback is of utmost importance in training the counseling psychology students.
Training counselors
With the Viso system installed in the Counseling Psychology training facility since early 2014, Delaware Valley University will remain at the forefront of training counselors. The training facility allows students to observe mock counseling sessions through two-way mirrors, and to make video recordings of those sessions. It’s a great space to learn by doing and to develop confidence and clinical skills.
Future plans include expanding use to other programs and departments at Delaware Valley University, and possibly allowing outside agencies to use the facility for mock interview sessions as well.
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