Neuroscience blog posts
Neuroscience is a captivating field that delves into the research of brain mechanisms. By investigating the brain's structure, function, and behavior, scientists in neuroscience research shed light on the mysteries of the mind. This multidisciplinary pursuit combines biology, psychology, and other disciplines to unravel the complexities of neural processes, contributing to a deeper understanding of human cognition and behavior.

30 Aug
human behavior research
Neuromarketing research: Innovative research methods and techniques
Get your face read, your brain measured, and your heart rate checked. Innovative research methods and techniques found their way into neuromarketing.

13 Feb
human behavior research
The science behind your emotions
Have you ever wondered where your emotions come from? Let’s dive into the science behind our emotions and discover how our brain and body work together to make us feel.

06 Sep
human behavior research
Why use Virtual Reality in Neurosciences?
Virtual Reality may become an easy way to calibrate or standardize complex tasks in immersive environments. How can researchers easily apply VR?

18 Jun
human behavior research
Researching comorbidity in patients with autism spectrum disorder
Patients with autistic spectrum disorder also tend to have other disorders like epilepsy. Why is that and how can understanding that help us understand autism?

20 Apr
human behavior research
Cognitive neuroscience: Behavior
We are in a pandemic where most of us are forced to change our daily behavior. Fortunately, we have our neocortex: it gives us considerable flexibility and creativity in adapting to a changing environment.

21 Nov
human behavior research
Cognitive neuroscience: Emotions
In my previous blog post, I shared some of the basics of cognitive neuroscience. In this blog post, we will zoom into a more specific part of cognitive neuroscience: emotions.

17 Jun
human behavior research
Cognitive neuroscience: the basics
What is cognitive neuroscience? As my professor once said, it is the overlapping science of the ‘dry and the wet’ part of the brain.

06 May
human behavior research
Hemineglect - and how to study recovery from it
Hemineglect is a condition caused by strokes or brain damage in which part of the sensory inputs to the brain are ignored and it is as if that part of the world which is sensed doesn't even exist.

18 Nov
human behavior research
Measuring the creative process
How can you come to better understand what is going on in the creative process? A living lab studying the work of a writer, painter, musician or other creative person might provide the answer.