Blog posts tagged with down syndrome

03 Apr
human behavior research
Language development and joint engagement in children with Down syndrome
In children with Down syndrome, delays in speech and language skills are common, while early social skills are relatively strong. How are these developmental milestones related?

28 Aug
human behavior research
Understanding cognitive delays in infants with Down syndrome
Did you know that Down syndrome is one of the most common chromosomal diseases in people? Researcher Fidler and her colleagues aim to understand more about early cognitive development in people with Down syndrome.

21 Jan
human behavior research
Parenting behaviors and executive function in Down syndrome
Understanding more about developmental delays in Down syndrome is vital in developing targeted interventions. In this study, the relationship between parenting behaviors and executive function was examined.

28 Nov
human behavior research
Early exploratory behavior in infants with Down syndrome
Object exploration is part of infants’ early development. How do infants with Down syndrome explore the world around them? And how is exploratory behavior related to their general development?