Blog posts tagged with motor development

02 Mar
animal behavior research
Gait and Locomotion
In utero alcohol exposure, the effects on brain and behavior
About 10% of women worldwide drink during their pregnancy. This could cause the fetus to suffer from fetal alcohol syndrome, which can lead altered tissue structures in the brain to motor deficits.

28 Nov
human behavior research
Early exploratory behavior in infants with Down syndrome
Object exploration is part of infants’ early development. How do infants with Down syndrome explore the world around them? And how is exploratory behavior related to their general development?

01 Jul
human behavior research
Studying posture development in infants at risk for autism
Research shows that early posture development is delayed in infants who are eventually diagnosed with an autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Understanding these delays helps to improve early diagnosis and intervention.

28 Jan
human behavior research
Let children design their own playground
The impact of playing outside on the social, motor and emotional development of children and their learning ability is immense. What makes the best playground, according to children?