Blog posts tagged with robotics

How students can learn through hands-on experience
21 Nov human behavior research Education

How students can learn through hands-on experience

In the field of engineering, practical experience is highly important. Students need to work with state-of-the-art equipment. However, often resources are limited. Might Virtual Reality (VR) provide a solution?
Robots helping people with dementia
23 Oct human behavior research Healthcare

Robots helping people with dementia

Researcher Wendy Moyle and her team explored if the use of a robotic seal as a therapeutic tool would influence the emotional and behavioral symptoms of dementia.
Robots in the operating room
11 Apr human behavior research Healthcare

Robots in the operating room

Dr. Ahmad and his team analyzed surgical team movements during robot-assisted surgery to understand and categorize causes for interruptions.
Robot-child interactions – helping children with autism learn skills
23 May human behavior research Education

Robot-child interactions – helping children with autism learn skills

Human-Computer Interaction research may go a lot further than just evaluating an office worker interacting with a stationary computer or laptop.
Human-robot interaction: Can you trust a robot?
18 Mar human behavior research Human Factors

Human-robot interaction: Can you trust a robot?

How do you know if someone with whom you do business is telling the truth? When buying something from a stranger, we are trying to determine if he or she can be trusted, either consciously or unconsciously.
Human-robot interaction in remote friendships and family relations
18 Jul human behavior research Human Factors

Human-robot interaction in remote friendships and family relations

Don’t you miss the touch of a loved-one when they are far-away? Skype and a number of other communication channels are great solutions to talk and even video chat when you are apart.