Blog posts tagged with team training

19 Dec
human behavior research
How to debrief a training session
What is debriefing, what to expect of debriefing, how to debrief a training session, and why is using a video feedback tool helpful?

13 Dec
human behavior research
Simulation-based training – it’s just like the real thing!
By conducting training sessions, students in a simulation lab develop and maintain knowledge, skills, and competencies such as interviewing skills, working with certain equipment, and teamwork procedures.

23 Jul
human behavior research
Simulation-based training in times of crisis
Simulation can be a useful tool in the development of new standard operating procedures and policies needed to respond to crises like COVID-19.

11 Jan
human behavior research
Evaluating the effectiveness of simulation in healthcare
Teamwork is important in many occupations but it is crucial when working under pressure. Most of us can only imagine how stressful it could be when working as a fire fighter or operating room nurse.

01 Nov
human behavior research
Simulation-based team training in obstetrics
The study of Annemarie Fransen and her team shows that simulation-based team training is effective in improving communication and cooperation of obstetric care teams.

25 Sep
human behavior research
Learn to cooperate toward shared goals using the principles of CRM
Teamwork plays an important role in ensuring patient safety and avoiding errors. The most commonly used method to promote teamwork, is training entire teams together to better prepare them for effective cooperation.

16 Dec
human behavior research
The effect of simulation-based obstetric team training
Dr. Truijens describes the positive effects of simulation-based obstetric team training on communication between health care professionals, clear leadership, and more.