How do I use EntoLab?
EntoLab is an integrated hardware/software
system consisting of a compact observation chamber and a Windows software suite.
The EntoLab
software suite consists of a range of software programs for video tracking, camera settings
optimalization, video streaming, and data processing and analysis.

What does the software offer me?

EthoVision XT
The EntoLab system comes with EthoVision XT, the renowned computer vision and video tracking software. EthoVision XT processes each high-resolution image in the digital video file, detects the insect against the background in each arena, extracts its body center, and generates a track file for each arena. Due to its superior object detection algorithms, EthoVision XT can handle the most challenging insect-plant combinations. Each track sample contains the X,Y-coordinate, velocity and the zone in which the insect resides (in a two-choice test). EthoVision XT can process a single video file or a batch of files originating from multiple EntoLab chambers, in a fully automated fashion.

Track files are imported into EthoAnalysis, a specialized software package developed for the analysis of insect behavior recorded with EthoVision XT. Based on various user settings, which can be specific for an insect species, EthoAnalysis translates the raw track data into series of zone-specific behaviors of three categories: halting, moving, and not-detected. From these time series, various behavior statistics are computed, either for the complete trial or per zone, per hour, or per behavior category, including duration (short/medium/long) or movement velocity (slow/medium/fast).
Which hardware do I need?

The EntoLab setup is a convenient benchtop system that will enrich your screening facility. The equipment can also be mounted on a cart with integrated computer equipment, providing a mobile setup that can easily move between labs. The EntoLab system includes:
- Compact benchtop cabinet
- High-resolution, light-sensitive color video camera (2040x2046 pixels) with 1” 25mm lens
- Vertically adjustable camera mount
- LED arrays for overhead illumination and backlight panel
- Removable Fresnel lens to recitfy viewing angle
- Anti-fogging cover plate and laternal ventilation unit, with adjustable power supply.
Assay plates for insect research
Assay plates
EntoLab offers a modular system of assay plates that can track a variety of insects, plants, and substrates, with up to 300 arenas on a single plate. A key feature is the synchronized release of insects from a cage plate beneath the arena plate, ensuring a uniform start for all trials. Insects must climb upwards to reach the arena. The system allows for easy customization of assays, including no-choice or two-choice setups, with plates designed to accommodate different samples like whole leaves, leaf strips, fruits, or agar.
Foam assay plates
The foam assay plates in EntoLab consist of a foam sample support plate and a top arena plate, both attached to plexiglass. The support plate cushions test samples like leaf fragments and has 126 holes for insects to emerge into the arena. Test samples are placed next to these holes, and the arena template on top creates individual arenas. Depending on the shape of the arena plate, insects released from the access holes will encounter a sample on one side (no-choice) or on both sides (choice).
Plexiglass assay plates
EntoLab's plexiglass assay plates are designed for thicker samples like fruits, stems, or agar. They feature a support plate with chambers for the samples and 126 holes for insects to emerge into the arena. The samples are placed next to these holes, and an arena template on top creates individual arenas. Depending on the template's design, insects will find either a single sample (no-choice) or two different samples (2-choice) after being released.
What can I use EntoLab for?
EntoLab can be used for a variety of applications. Any tests that require the tracking of insects. From investigating the insect resistance of certain plant strains to phenotyping the behavior of beneficial insects. With EntoLab you can test heat tolerance, the effect of toxic compounds or memory and learning of various insect species.
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