35 years of The Observer XT

The Observer XT has been around for 35 years. It has evolved from a behavior coding tool into a comprehensive software platform that powers full-scale behavioral research.

The Observer XT is now known as the GOLD standard for behavioral coding. At its core, The Observer XT is designed to efficiently monitor, code, and analyze behavior.

Try The Observer XT for free
Integrate your data streams with The Observer XT

Unlock the power of the innovations in The Observer XT 17

New in The Observer XT is the option to synchronize data from a wearable EEG headset

Experience the upgraded GOLD standard for behavioral coding, with exciting new features to explore.

  • Dynamic visualization behavioral coding | To make coding visually more attractive and transparent, now the encoded behaviors are updated as you score with The Observer® XT.
  • Syncing with wearable EEG headset | You can synchronize behavioral observations with neural data by integrating data from Bitbrain's EEG diadem. Explore new horizons for conducting real-world experiments!
  • Improved permission process | When starting a new project, a dialog box appears explaining the data transparency policy. This is a friendly reminder for the experiment leader to ask participants for permission.

Compare the functionality per version

Feature 17 16 15 14 13 12 11
Visualization of events during coding
Integration Bitbrain EEG Diadem
Onboarding training (online via Noldus Academy)
Dongle free licensing system
64-bit application
Improved video handling (smooth 4x playback speed, slider position)
GPS data import with 5 decimals
Enhanced integration data acquisition systems (Biopac Acknowledge, Tobii Lab, and E-prime)
Optimization coding of behavior
Filtering and interval selection based on duration
Visualize multiple observations simultaneously
Extended Reliability Analysis
Code from audio files (MP3, WAV and WMA)
Select intervals for analysis (labeling & filtering)
Numerical analysis of modifiers and external data
Coder licenses

Ready to take the next step?

We’re passionate about helping you achieve your research goals. Let’s discuss your project and find the tools that fit.

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