Blog posts written by Guest Blogger

25 Jul
human behavior research
Disclosure dilemma
Isabelle Leenders examined the influence of disclosures in influencer advertising on the brand attitudes and purchase intentions of young adults, mediated by their emotions and activation of persuasion knowledge.

17 Jul
human behavior research
Do we help students by surprising them?
The role and usage of instructional videos are increasing in higher education. The research team of Sass & Vinczéné Fekete investigated which features make them more or less engaging for students.

26 Jun
human behavior research
FaceReader and different scientific theories on emotion
In this blog post, Tess den Uyl, PhD, Peter Lewinksi, PhD, and Amogh Gudi, PhD from VicarVision outline how FaceReader is designed with scientific rigor and in accordance with responsible AI principles.

21 Dec
human behavior research
How the ability to manage emotions shapes perception of risk
Can our ability to recognize and control our emotions determine how dangerous we perceive certain hazards to be and whether or not we think we are at risk?

08 Dec
animal behavior research
Social Behavior
How to analyze different characteristics of olfaction in rodents
Correct analysis of olfaction is crucial for an accurate interpretation of mouse social behavior. Today's guest article describes how to analyze different characteristics with the olfactory habituation/dishabituation test.

30 Aug
human behavior research
How music affects children’s development
Researchers dove deeper into building an understanding of the relationship between music and emotions and how music affects children’s development.

14 Jun
animal behavior research
Research Methods
Radial Arm Maze: The Basics
The radial arm maze is an apparatus consisting of a circular center compartment from which 8 equally spaced «arms» extend. Researchers use it to measure two forms of memory known as “reference memory” and “working memory.”

19 Apr
human behavior research
The relevance of emotions on the evaluation of a transactional website
A UX test is a method of evaluating a product or service by having users test it. Researchers studied how emotions influence opinions about a website by conducting UX tests.

16 Sep
human behavior research
The influence of ad-evoked emotions on brand attitudes
Can brand authenticity generate positive emotions among consumers and turn into a positive brand attitude?

06 Sep
human behavior research
Why use Virtual Reality in Neurosciences?
Virtual Reality may become an easy way to calibrate or standardize complex tasks in immersive environments. How can researchers easily apply VR?