Natasja Bogers

Natasja Bogers

Marketing Communications Specialist (with a focus on human factors, UX research, and online marketing) at Noldus Information Technology, Content Creator at


The power of multimodal research in human behavior studies

By implementing multimodal research, scientists are hoping to gain a more complete and nuanced understanding of human behavior than is possible through the examination of any single modality.

UX & Usability Conferences in 2023 (+5 reasons to attend a UX conference)

Conferences and events are a great way to get updated on the latest trends in your field, meet peers, or present your work. Discover some of the best usability and UX conferences in 2023 to attend.

Examples of Human Behavior Research

We humans are an intriguing species and it's no wonder researchers have always been fascinated by human behavior. Here are some examples of human behavior research over the years.

5 tips on how to measure facial expressions

It may sound very simple, but recording video and playing it back enables more detailed analysis of facial expressions. 5 useful tips on how to measure facial expressions!

Must-see TED Talks on emotions

Emotions are fundamental in understanding human behavior. Do you want to get a better understanding of emotions? We’ve put together a list of must-see TED Talks on emotions.

Why attend FENS 2022, Forum of European Neuroscience

Where European neuroscience meets the world, and Noldus! FENS Forum has been one of our favorite neuroscience conferences in Europe and we've been exhibiting for years.

5 Dates you should add to your 2022 Neuroscience calendar

Looking for the best neuroscience conferences to add to your 2022 calendar? We’ve put together a short list of the best (behavioral) neuroscience conferences to attend this year.

Top 5 Consumer behavior research on the Behavioral Research Blog

Observational research is becoming more and more popular in consumer science and market research. From on-site behavioral observations in supermarkets to advanced multimodal lab studies.

3 Examples of eye tracking lab set-ups

Can you imagine, in the 19th century the study of eye movements for instance was done by means of direct observations? Luckily, nowadays eye tracking can easily be automated.

How we turned our office into a living lab with a green roof

Green roofs are becoming more and more popular around the world. These living roofs transform buildings into ecological systems that benefits its surrounding environment.