
Early-life stress and the onset of depression later in life

I had a chat with my old department at the University of Groningen to see what they are currently working on. Read more about their reseach into early life stress!

The challenges of measuring epilepsy in rodents

EEG on freely moving rats? It's possible in the PhenoTyper. This was necessary to measure if delivering drugs directly to the brain could help epilepsy patients.

Using zebrafish as an early warning system of neurotoxic substances

How can we use a zebrafish (Danio rerio) embryo model to detect possible neurotoxic chemical mixtures that are difficult to detect with normal chemical analyses?

A plant-based treatment for Alzheimer's disease?

Researchers are constantly looking for new ways to treat Alzheimer's disease. Can Dioscin, a plant-based steroid, decrease the symptoms in mice?

In utero alcohol exposure, the effects on brain and behavior

About 10% of women worldwide drink during their pregnancy. This could cause the fetus to suffer from fetal alcohol syndrome, which can lead altered tissue structures in the brain to motor deficits.

Air pollution and brain development, mouse behavior gives insight

Air pollution can have major detrimental effects on health. But, what happens to brain development if a mouse is only exposed in early life. Researchers from the University of Washington studied just that.

What is the connection between depression and rheumatoid arthritis?

Is depression in patients with rheumatoid arthritis caused only by the pain, or is something else also going on?

Zebrafish behaviors shows true effect of chemicals on aquatic animals

Modern industrial processes, agricultural practices and domestic waste result in all sorts of chemicals getting into our waters. CPC is widely used. How does it affect the fish?

Classical music affects affiliative behaviors in bottlenose dolphins

Researchers from the University of Padova used The Observer XT to measure the behavior of dolphins when exposed to different types of enrichment.

Measuring behavior of coral larvae in response to antifouling coatings

What effect do ship hull coatings have on coral viability and restoration? And how can non-toxic alternatives effect mobility behavior in coral larvae?