
Direct observations help develop effective interventions in adolescence

Presenting a study in which family and friendship dynamics in adolescence were observed in order to develop more personalized interventions that prevent problem behaviors and adjustment issues.

Useful consumer neuroscience tools

Marketers track consumer behavior and try to understand it by learning more about the magic buy button.

Top 10 best human behavior research blog posts in 2019

As we are in the middle of the holiday season, it is time to look back on another year on the Behavioral Research Blog! What are the best reads on human behavior research?

The role of inhibitory control on substance use in adolescence

Adolescents are vulnerable to risk-taking behaviors such as substance use. Dr. Roy Otten and his team examined how early childhood stress and inhibitory control influence the risk of adolescent substance use.

Studying conflict interactions between mothers and adolescents

It is common for conflicts to arise between adolescents and their parents. However, severe conflicts can have negative effects on adolescent development. What can parents do to prevent escalating conflicts?

Early exploratory behavior in infants with Down syndrome

Object exploration is part of infants’ early development. How do infants with Down syndrome explore the world around them? And how is exploratory behavior related to their general development?

Cognitive neuroscience: Emotions

In my previous blog post, I shared some of the basics of cognitive neuroscience. In this blog post, we will zoom into a more specific part of cognitive neuroscience: emotions.

Machine learning and object detection

Humans are incredibly good at recognizing patterns. Now computers can do it as well, and that can be useful. Read more about machine learning and object detection.

Consumers' food choices and emotions

Is there a relationship between food choice and a person’s mood? Bartkiene et al. examined the factors that influence our food choice, using facial expression analysis.

SUKIPANI: The magic word for making a smile

The SUKIPANI smile is an exercise to train the muscles you use while smiling. Dr. Sugahara explains the effect of the movements of the muscles and uses FaceReader to analyze the smiles.