Blog posts tagged with facereader

Facts about FaceReader and automated facial expression analysis
06 Apr human behavior research Psychology

Facts about FaceReader and automated facial expression analysis

There have been many statements about using automated facial expression analysis to assess emotions. Let’s take a look at what is actually possible and impossible to do with FaceReader, through a game of true and false.
How to study human behavior
24 Mar human behavior research Psychology

How to study human behavior

Many people are fascinated by human behavior. Why do we act the way we do? How is our behavior influenced, or measured? And why is behavioral change so difficult?
How do people with Parkinson's disease express emotions?
15 Mar human behavior research Emotion

How do people with Parkinson's disease express emotions?

A mask-like facial expression is an early symptom of Parkinson's disease. How can we understand the relation between changed facial expressions and disease severity? Researcher Yang and their team used FaceReader to find out.
How the ability to manage emotions shapes perception of risk
21 Dec human behavior research Emotion

How the ability to manage emotions shapes perception of risk

Can our ability to recognize and control our emotions determine how dangerous we perceive certain hazards to be and whether or not we think we are at risk?
The importance of measuring infant behavior for early diagnosis of autism
04 Oct human behavior research Psychology

The importance of measuring infant behavior for early diagnosis of autism

Most efforts to detect autism before the age of two rely on parental reports rather than infant behavior.
The importance of a multi-method approach in infant behavior research
22 Sep human behavior research Psychology

The importance of a multi-method approach in infant behavior research

The study of infant behavior provides incredible insight into the field of psychology, developmental biology, neuroscience, and other social and life sciences.
How music affects children’s development
30 Aug human behavior research Emotion

How music affects children’s development

Researchers dove deeper into building an understanding of the relationship between music and emotions and how music affects children’s development.
5 tips on how to measure facial expressions
09 Aug human behavior research Emotion

5 tips on how to measure facial expressions

It may sound very simple, but recording video and playing it back enables more detailed analysis of facial expressions. 5 useful tips on how to measure facial expressions!
Must-see TED Talks on emotions
26 Jul human behavior research Emotion

Must-see TED Talks on emotions

Emotions are fundamental in understanding human behavior. Do you want to get a better understanding of emotions? We’ve put together a list of must-see TED Talks on emotions.
The relevance of emotions on the evaluation of a transactional website
19 Apr human behavior research Emotion

The relevance of emotions on the evaluation of a transactional website

A UX test is a method of evaluating a product or service by having users test it. Researchers studied how emotions influence opinions about a website by conducting UX tests.

Showing 41 to 50 of 118 results