Blog posts tagged with human factors

Understanding human behavior at Hofstra's Behavioral Research Lab
18 Mar human behavior research Multimodal

Understanding human behavior at Hofstra's Behavioral Research Lab

Discover how Hofstra University's Behavioral Research in Business Lab, directed by Dr. Anil Mathur, utilizes advanced methods like eye tracking and facial analysis to deepen insights into human behavior and business decision-making.
7 Reasons to attend CHI 2025
17 Feb human behavior research User Experience

7 Reasons to attend CHI 2025

If you are working in HCI or UX, you are probably familiar with CHI. This conference is organized every year by the international society for Human-Computer Interaction, SIGCHI. Why you should attend CHI 2025?
Human Factors and Ergonomics research in the spotlight
14 Jun human behavior research Human Factors

Human Factors and Ergonomics research in the spotlight

We want to set the spotlight on new developments and publications in Human Factors and Ergonomics research. From maritime simulation centers to the use of video observations in human factors research.
UX & Usability Conferences in 2023 (+5 reasons to attend a UX conference)
03 Feb human behavior research User Experience

UX & Usability Conferences in 2023 (+5 reasons to attend a UX conference)

Conferences and events are a great way to get updated on the latest trends in your field, meet peers, or present your work. Discover some of the best usability and UX conferences in 2023 to attend.
Examples of Human Behavior Research
10 Oct human behavior research Other (Human)

Examples of Human Behavior Research

We humans are an intriguing species and it's no wonder researchers have always been fascinated by human behavior. Here are some examples of human behavior research over the years.
Behind the scenes at MARIN: research into human decision making
20 Jul human behavior research Human Factors

Behind the scenes at MARIN: research into human decision making

One of the world's leading maritime research institutes: MARIN, took us on a tour in their ship bridge simulator. A great customer success story that highlights the importance of human factor research.
For Pete’s Sake: Measuring Frustration
17 Feb human behavior research Emotion

For Pete’s Sake: Measuring Frustration

Within the field of human factors and usability, frustration poses an interesting challenge. It can be a barrier for learning. So how can we measure frustration in order to minimize it?
Evaluating ergonomics in healthcare – paramedics
12 Feb human behavior research Healthcare

Evaluating ergonomics in healthcare – paramedics

The chance that a paramedic suffers an injury is 3x higher than other occupations. Because of the global health worker shortage, we need to make sure these professionals are taken care of.
Machine learning and object detection
14 Nov human behavior research Human Factors

Machine learning and object detection

Humans are incredibly good at recognizing patterns. Now computers can do it as well, and that can be useful. Read more about machine learning and object detection.
Measuring the user experience of tube feeding
04 Oct human behavior research User Experience

Measuring the user experience of tube feeding

Tube feeding has had a fascinating history, but there is still scope for innovation. Noldus will develop a system to measure its users' experience in the FoodFriend project.

Showing 1 to 10 of 18 results