
Using CatWalk XT to analyze variations in gait performance in adolescent mice

Rodents are the most common model organisms in biomedical research. Automated gait analysis provides a precise and objective means of analyzing behavioral and physiological changes in rodent models.

Examples of Animal Behavior Research

Researchers in ethology are interested in understanding all aspects of animal behavior. We have highlighted some great examples of Animal Behavior Research on our Behavioral Research Blog.

5 blogs on why you should use video tracking in behavioral research

In this blogpost you can find an overview of our top 5 favorite blogs on why you should use video tracking in your behavioral research.

Five studies showing the power of multi-modal data in behavioral research

The advantages of using multimodal data over a single modality are that it reveals deeper insights and also if one modality fails there can be enough redundancy in the data to still make sense of it.

Altruism in rats, suspiciously human

A recent study by Bartal et al drove our curiousity to write this blog about altruistic behavior in rats. This study shows how this type of behavior is neurally linkend to the social functioning of humans.

Robust and reliable: Measuring anxiety in the Elevated plus maze

Screening of anxiety-like behavior in the elevated plus maze becomes more reliable with Ethovision XT combined with the standardization of testing parameters and common practices.

Vestibulopathy: movement and balance issues investigated in rats

It is hard to diagnose vestibulopathy, so a rat model was developed to study the progress of symptoms, from day one to day 30 after ear injury. Results can improve future human diagnosis and therapy options.

How behavioral core facilities advance research

Behavioral cores benefit universities as well as science in general. Recent cases show improved reproducibility of tests and protocols to assess a more complex phenotype of model animals.

Studying spatial learning and memory with Cincinnati Water Maze

Studying spatial learning and memory is important to develop treatment for Alzheimer's and other diseases influencing on orientation and navigation. One way to study it is with Cincinnati Water Maze.

The relationship between social hierarchy and social stress

Today, Deepika Patel kindly shares her research on social structures with us. She investigated rat behavior in detail, using several test paradigms.