
Taking opioids during pregnancy: short- and long-term consequences in rats

Women worldwide are suffering from opioid addiction. Many receive so-called opioid-maintenance therapy using bup, but consequences for both mother and baby are largely unknown.

Assessing motor outcome in rats with peripheral nerve injury

At LBI Trauma, CatWalk XT is one of the most important tools to evaluate functional recovery in different animal models. Read more about what they found to be key factors when studying motor performance in rats with femoral nerve injury.

Decreased learning abilities in diabetic rats: Silymarin to the rescue

Silymarin is a substance that works as an antioxidant, is anti-inflammatory and increases BDNF levels. After supplementing silymarin to diabetic rats, typical diabetes symptoms were greatly improved.

Depressed with a failing reward system: social stress disrupts brain waves

Chronic social stress has a huge impact on well-being. Gamma oscillations have been found to be an electrophysiological link between social stress and reward processing.

How to best assess pain-related behaviors in preclinical studies

Most humans can tell you they’re in pain. However, assessing pain sensitivity in rodents during preclinical studies is a challenge.

Diazepam in the battle against Alzheimer’s

Scientists have found out that a low dose of the tranquilizer diazepam reduces the breakdown of neurons, seen in the development of Alzheimer’s disease.

The ultimate list of neuroscience lab software tools

Are you interested in starting a new lab, or perhaps in updating your current lab to its maximum potential? If so, this list of ultimate neuroscience software tools is the place to begin.

Top 10 Animal behavior research blogs

Let’s start 2019 with looking at the most popular blog posts on animal behavior research from last year. Our top 10 animal behavior blog posts from 2018.

Normalization of blood sugar reduces enhanced rewarding effect of smoking

Why are the rewarding effects of nicotine greater in diabetic rats?

Freeze! A recent study on PTSD and the immune system

It is pretty well-known that stress and anxiety have an effect on the immune system. This can be a real problem, especially in psychiatric disorders.