Blog posts tagged with teamwork

Observing effective leadership and teamwork
05 Dec human behavior research Psychology

Observing effective leadership and teamwork

How do organizations, leaders, teams, and employees work together to ensure efficient improvements and effective changes? The OBCC team combined video-based behavioral observations and physiological measures to examine this.
Simulation-based training – it’s just like the real thing!
13 Dec human behavior research Healthcare

Simulation-based training – it’s just like the real thing!

By conducting training sessions, students in a simulation lab develop and maintain knowledge, skills, and competencies such as interviewing skills, working with certain equipment, and teamwork procedures.
3 debriefing steps to evaluate a training session
21 Nov human behavior research Education

3 debriefing steps to evaluate a training session

Debriefing digs into what and why things happened and explores implications for the future. You will gain insights in what to repeat and what to change.
What is simulation-based training?
14 Feb human behavior research Healthcare

What is simulation-based training?

Simulation-based training provides learners with an opportunity to test out different scenarios to see what works and to understand how they arrived at the right and wrong answers.
Organized chaos or well-oiled machine? Optimizing safety & efficiency in an OR
18 May human behavior research Healthcare

Organized chaos or well-oiled machine? Optimizing safety & efficiency in an OR

Dr. Joseph and her team searched for solutions to minimize flow disruptions in Operating Rooms and make them as safe and efficient as possible.
How to assess medical team effectiveness
20 Jun human behavior research Healthcare

How to assess medical team effectiveness

Healthcare professionals working in an operating or emergency room, frequently deal with unpredictable situations in which they need to stay focused and think clearly. How do they manage that?
Evaluating the effectiveness of simulation in healthcare
11 Jan human behavior research Healthcare

Evaluating the effectiveness of simulation in healthcare

Teamwork is important in many occupations but it is crucial when working under pressure. Most of us can only imagine how stressful it could be when working as a fire fighter or operating room nurse.
Simulation-based team training in obstetrics
01 Nov human behavior research Healthcare

Simulation-based team training in obstetrics

The study of Annemarie Fransen and her team shows that simulation-based team training is effective in improving communication and cooperation of obstetric care teams.
Operating room layout: impact on work patters and flow disruptions
20 Feb human behavior research Healthcare

Operating room layout: impact on work patters and flow disruptions

With use of prerecorded videos of surgeries, researchers examined the impact of the layout of an OR on work patterns and flow disruptions of a circulating nurse.
Learn to cooperate toward shared goals using the principles of CRM
25 Sep human behavior research Healthcare

Learn to cooperate toward shared goals using the principles of CRM

Teamwork plays an important role in ensuring patient safety and avoiding errors. The most commonly used method to promote teamwork, is training entire teams together to better prepare them for effective cooperation.

Showing 1 to 10 of 11 results