

Recent publications

Here is a selection of recent papers of zebrafish research with DanioScope. If you feel your paper should be on this list, please let us know at [email protected]!


Recent blog posts

Zebrafish as lab animal increasingly popular

Zebrafish as lab animal increasingly popular

Zebrafish is the new rat. Or mouse. More and more rodents in the lab are being replaced by these nifty little striped fish. They are easy to maintain, reproduce and develop rapidly.
Sex preference and other social aspects of zebrafish behavior

Sex preference and other social aspects of zebrafish behavior

Social behavior is a well-known topic of neuroscience research, since it is so often affected in psychiatric disorders. Think of obvious examples such as schizophrenia and autism.
Getting robust results: one zebrafish is not like the other

Getting robust results: one zebrafish is not like the other

Zebrafish larvae locomotor behavior often has a high variability, which can have a big impact on your results. Still, it is one of the most used parameters. So how can you make your study more robust?